Mahendra Sureka MACJ – A Buyer’s Choice Home Inspections

CEO, MACJ – A Buyer’s Choice Home Inspections
Articles 3

Mr.Mahendra Sureka is a Chartered Accountant with work experience of over 20 years. He pioneered professional home inspection services Industry in India – a potentially multi-billion US Dollars business opportunity in collaboration with a leading US Multinational. He has experience of working with a large real estate development company in Kolkata, India. Exposed to various aspects of a real estate development including real estate transactions, project development, funding, project implementation, etc. He is also a member of International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI), USA. He has successfully set up the Management Services Business in Kolkata for one of the premier accountancy and management consultancy firms in India. Single handedly developed the Kolkata practice and established relationship with the top business groups of Kolkata.

3 Articles

How a Realtor can Benefit from a Home Inspection

A home inspection is not only favourable for the buyers & sellers, but it is also quite beneficial for the Real Estate Agent too. Because a realtor is a person who represents the buyer or the seller, they can advocate for the client when they know details about the property. For an instance, a buyer’s agent c...
schedule 1/11/2019 2:41:04 PM

5 Reasons to get a Home Inspection before listing your Property for sale

A pre-sale home inspection should be undertaken by Sellers. It is done before the property is put on the market for sale. Opting out of a building inspection may seem tempting on the surface when the sellers think of saving a few thousand rupees, but
schedule 12/3/2018 6:42:25 PM

Why you need Professional Home Inspection Services in India

Home/Property Inspection Industry is a multibillion dollar Industry in America, every 8 out of 10 homes gets inspected before they are sold. There are well defined standards and rules (NACHI / ASHI) for conducting an Inspection and regulating the home inspection industry.  Home Inspection is a non-invasive, visual examination of a...
schedule 3/7/2018 2:57:27 PM