place Sushant Golf City , Amar Shaheed Path , Lucknow
Yes |
Possession Date
Possesion Quarter Possesion Year |
Age Of Property
1 |
Total Floor
17 |
Ownership Type
Assured Return
0 |
Pre Rented
Yes |
Bank Approved
Yes |
Payment Plan
Down Payment Plan |
Any |
Rishita Celebrity Greens lucknow was established with the progressive thought and focused vision in 2009. Since its inception, Rishita Developers Pvt. Ltd. has delivered exclusive developments with a unique combination of traditional and contemporary designs. With the passion for creating vibrant and sustainable communities, RDPL, aims to build not just homes, but a valuable legacy. It aims to build dream homes that are pocket-friendly and create spaces where life meets lifestyle. As for RDPL, the design of a home doesn't stop at the door.
Rishita Developers Group is involved into this segment from past many years and have been one of the most trusted builder of all time.The project is located in Gomti Nagar Extension at Sector 7 which is known to be the Heart of Lucknow. Rishita Group is going to make this project by the year 2018 and have been one of the favourite in lucknow. Rishita Manhattan is developing 13 towers in it. Rishita Manhattan is a good project has got 80% open space. The project is LDA approved and will be financed by all the leading banks of india.
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Rishita Celebrity Greens