place Nallagandla , MG Road , Hyderabad
Yes |
Possession Date
Quarter 3 2019 |
Age Of Property
Total Floor
Total Floors in a Building |
Ownership Type
Free Hold |
Assured Return
Pre Rented
Not Available |
Bank Approved
Yes |
Payment Plan
Construction Link Plan |
East |
Ramky One Galaxia is a 2 & 3 BHK Apartments with Nestled amidst green landscapes along with Smart home features include keyless entry, video door phone, tab/smartphone-controlled electrical fittings, fully loaded clubhouses and Introducing Hyderabad's 1st Futsal field much more located at Nallagandla, Gachibowli.
We created an ecosystem that brings the likeminded together, in a secure environment that provides a comfortable and smart way of life. This 7.69-acre project, with vast open spaces, also offers smart home features on demand, host of amenities and facilities and a pedestrian-friendly environment.
Ramky One Galaxia homes are not just a few walls and a ceiling it's where the world revolves around you. It's not just a houses. It’s a universe that listens when you soul sings and senses your numerous mood swings.
Ramky One Galaxia is a Premium 2 BHK Apartments and Luxurious 3 BHK Apartments Homes are where you come back to yourself and your family at the speed of light.
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Ramky One Galaxia