place Jogeshwari East , JVLR , Mumbai
Yes |
Possession Date
Possesion Quarter Possesion Year |
Age Of Property
5 |
Total Floor
27 |
Ownership Type
Co-operatiive Society |
Assured Return
3 |
Pre Rented
No |
Bank Approved
Yes |
Payment Plan
Construction Link Plan |
A wall of trees separates Splendor Grande from the city. Here you’ll rediscover what quietness really sounds like. And how calming, peace can be. Luxuries, amongst the many, that you’ll grow to appreciate. Give some time.
Oberoi Splendor Grande is the perfect human habitat surrounded by 1500 acres of the flourishing Aarey green belt and verdant landscaped gardens.
To the south of it is the Jogeshwari Vikhroli Link Road and to its north is the vast expanse of the Aarey greens. Proximity to the Western Express Highway and the Seepz Area make it an ideal spot to live in.
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Oberoi Splendor Grande