place Malad East , Rani Sati Marg , Mumbai
Yes |
Possession Date
Quarter 4 2016 |
Age Of Property
1 |
Total Floor
Ownership Type
Free Hold |
Assured Return
No |
Pre Rented
No |
Bank Approved
Yes |
Payment Plan
Any |
Kanakia Levels is a residential project located at Malad East, Rani Sati Marg, Mumbai. It is a unique project which offers 2,3 and 4 BHK homes and completes the package with a number of useful features and amenities for all residents. These apartments are meticulously designed along with the rest of the project site.Mumbai is one of the hotspots for residential development and therefore has a lot of growth potential. Kanakia Levels is backed by the Kanakia Spaces Pvt. Ltd. one of the most trusted real estate developers in India, and is therefore a prime choice for a wholesome life experience.
Neo Luxury is a concept that renders an unconventional, fresher luxury living experience that Mumbai has never seen before. Kanakia Levels is a multi storey edifice designed by Master Architect Daniel Hsia from Singapore and Landscape Architect Tectonix, Thailand.One can experience the vast open spaces as the project has only 30% ground coverage. Being a low density project, Platino at Kanakia Levels is where the discerning few will truly feel at home.
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Kanakia Levels