place Narendrapur , EM Bypass , Kolkata
Yes |
Possession Date
Possesion Quarter Possesion Year |
Age Of Property
1 |
Total Floor
12 |
Ownership Type
Free Hold |
Assured Return
15 |
Pre Rented
No |
Bank Approved
Yes |
Payment Plan
Construction Link Plan |
South |
Very much in Kolkata but away from its hustle and bustle is Rajwada Springfield. This exclusive apartment complex would provide you a home, and not just a house. We at Rajwada believe in not just constructing brick and cement structures but examples of architectural brilliance and aesthetic wonder. Strategically located on Kamalgazi crossing and just over a couple of kilometres from Kavi Nazrul Metro Station it is conveniently accessible by both road and rail. Facilities like schools and markets within walking distance makes your living trouble free. At Springfield we combine the luxuries of fine living, conveniences of metropolis lifestyle, and an environment free from pollution.
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Rajwada Springfield