place Tangra , EM Bypass , Kolkata
Yes |
Possession Date
Possesion Quarter Possesion Year |
Age Of Property
5 |
Total Floor
15 |
Ownership Type
Ownership Type |
Assured Return
8 |
Pre Rented
No |
Bank Approved
Yes |
Payment Plan
Construction Link Plan |
North |
One of the largest condominium projects of Kolkata, Active Acres is spread over 16.38 Acres. Its 6 towers of G+22 comprise a total of 1028 Apartments which have a mix of 2, 3 & 4 BHK apartments with Pent Houses. The basic concept behind ‘Active Acres’ has been to provide the residents with a quality of life unparallel in the area and encourage a life of activity, outdoor sports, fun and relaxation. Architects at Agarwal and Agarwal have utilized all their skill and innovation to evolve a revolutionary residential complex. The Delhi based firm, Design Accord Consultants are changing the landscape of the 80% green area with their finer sense of design application.
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Active Acres